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Front Office - Flexkeeping

Front Desk

Deliver better guest service.

Give receptionists a full overview with real-time updates on the cleanliness status of rooms, guest requests, maintenance tickets, lost and found items, and more.
less phone calls-1

less phone calls

hours saved-2

36.5 hours
saved per month

guest complaints-1

fewer guest complaints

Faster & better 

Prioritize room cleaning based on check-in and check-out times.
Send urgent requests to housekeeping & maintenance teams.

Group 9351
HK Location


Housekeeper Location.

See which room a housekeeper is currently cleaning and keep track of their progress live.

Group 9353

Ease the workload.

Gain instant access to essential information on the app.
Effortlessly manage lost and found items.
Access valuable insights into guest requests and staff workload.

Minibar management

Keep track of minibar consumption in real time.
Automatically post consumption to the guest account.
Send urgent minibar consumption checks.

Group 9348



»We can track what’s happening at any moment so everything is under control. It’s exactly what we needed.«


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Built around you.

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We've got your back.

It's that easy. Front to back.