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New Feature: Safely Schedule Housekeeping in Advance!


We are very excited to release one of our most requested features, the scheduling module. This means it’s time to stop using spreadsheets and put all of the information directly into the app. With it, housekeeping teams can save time, decrease stress, and eliminate confusion by scheduling staff weeks in advance.

Here is what you can do with it:

  • See weekly schedule overviews, not only for a single day
  • Schedule remotely and weeks in advance
  • Automatically allocate rooms with the touch of a button using our smart algorithms to ensure equal distribution of work.
  • Create schedules within the app based on live information regarding room statuses

This new module also arrives at an important time when health and safety are paramount. In addition to the aforementioned benefits, you can also strictly adhere to new health guidelines. Stagger staff shifts in advance so that employees minimize contact with each other and guests.

Create Staff Work Schedules Weeks in Advance

Most operation management apps only let you organize work for a single day. Which is fine, until managers want to know which rooms are scheduled for any time in the future. Or they want to check when certain team members are available. Or they want to create a plan for the entire week. By the same token, housekeepers who can only see their schedule for that day don’t know which rooms they need to clean until the day of, so they are unable to plan their time efficiently.

It's time to refine the process. When managers can create the entire week’s schedule in seconds, they can plan more appropriately and eliminate last-minute surprises. On the other hand, housekeepers can see their entire schedule for that week and beyond displayed on their personal devices. This allows them to plan their work ahead of time.


Assign Rooms to Housekeepers for Future Weeks

Normally, housekeeper managers assign rooms to their teams the day of, meaning they have to allocate some time every day to create the schedule. In order to do that correctly, they have to reference other documents or recall from memory which is available, sick, or on vacation. Since this is a scattered process, housekeepers often receive an inappropriate amount of work, either too much or too little.

Time to schedule it just right. When managers can schedule housekeepers in the future, they no longer need to make it a daily morning ritual. All that’s required is for managers to glance at the schedule to see staff availability and if there need to be any small corrections based on updates from the PMS (ex, last-minute cancellation). Housekeepers, in return, can be given a more appropriate workload and minimize the chance of miscommunication (i.e., being scheduled on a day off).


Automate Housekeeping Room Assignment

This situation goes hand in hand with one of the previous problems, over- or understaffing your housekeeping teams. By manually allocating which rooms are to be cleaned by certain housekeepers, you run the risk of accidentally overworking one team member while another doesn’t have enough to do.

Let us calculate it for you! First, you assign each room status (stay over, departure, arrival) and room type (two-bedroom apartment, double room, honeymoon suite) a specific number representing how long it takes to complete in minutes. Then, with a click of a button, we will divide it up between the housekeepers that you have assigned for the day. If you prefer manually allocating rooms, you will still be able to override any suggestions, giving you complete scheduling control.

Get started with our scheduling module!

Want to find out more about this tool and how it can help you save time and administration overhead? Or interested in how weekly scheduling works with our other tools to help you manage your property? Schedule a demo and make sure that last-minute changes never disrupt your workflow or affect your quality of service.

Ready to make your operations easy?

The Flexkeeping Team