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Flexkeeping Assistant: The First AI Assistant for Multilingual Hotel Teams

AI in Hotel Tech

Big news: Flexkeeping just launched an AI feature that will revolutionize how hotel teams communicate, manage tasks, and feel empowered in their jobs. Yeah—we told you it was big. 

Meet Flexkeeping Assistant: The first AI-powered voice assistant for getting tasks done—in any language. 

We hear about hotel operations teams running into the same challenges day after day:

  • Human errors: Miscommunications, inaccuracies, oops-I-forgots. Without helpful tech tools, getting a task from A to Z can feel like the biggest task of all. 
  • Language barriers: Multilingual hotel teams struggle to communicate clearly and effectively across departments.
  • Tech troubles: Operational systems can be confusing, especially for the not-so-tech-savvy team members. 

Clearly, hotel teams need a solution for seamlessly making tasks happen—and providing exceptional service in the process. 

So we made one.

How does Flexkeeping Assistant work?

Think of it like an AI-powered personal assistant for every team member. All you have to do is say the task out loud and Flexkeeping Assistant does the rest. 

Here’s an example:

While cleaning room 208, star housekeeper Santiago notices the AC unit is broken. It’s the middle of August, so the room is getting toasty. He wants to fix the issue ASAP before the next guest arrives.

Santiago opens his phone and creates a new Flexkeeping Assistant task. He hits record, says what the issue is in Spanish (his native language), and presses stop when he’s done. 

Flexkeeping Assistant instantly listens, understands, and structures the task with all the key details:

  • Task Status
  • Assign to (who is this task assigned to)
  • Priority (low, medium, high)
  • Schedule date

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It then assigns the task to the maintenance department—translating it into English so they can easily understand. 

Sasha on the maintenance team gets notified about the repair. She has a spare hour, so she beelines to room 208 and fixes the AC unit right away. The next guest arrives to a refreshingly cool room after a long day of travel. 

Success—all thanks to Santiago’s 30-second voice memo.

This has never happened before in the hotel industry. 

Flexkeeping Assistant introduces AI to hotel operations—for the first time ever. Until now, hotel teams were manually typing and assigning tasks, translating through hand gestures, and navigating low productivity.

Enter the power of AI. According to a 2024 report:

  • AI helps workers save one day a week in productivity 
  • 73% of workers say AI helps them avoid miscommunication
  • 80% of workers say AI improves their quality of work

Flexkeeping Assistant uses AI to simplify, streamline, and automate tasks like never before.

Of course, Flexkeeping is no newbie to hospitality innovation. Features like Automated Cleanings have revolutionized the industry by providing hotel teams with game-changing tech solutions.

"We're not just innovating. We're shaping the future of hospitality. Our mission: Empower hotel teams with the most advanced technologies out there so they can deliver impeccable guest services." - Luka Berger, CEO.

Empowering team members to speak up. 

From housekeeping management to guest services, hotel teams are pros at what they do. Roadblocks like language and tech errors shouldn’t stand in the way of that. 

With Flexkeeping Assistant, team members can confidently communicate, collaborate, and take pride in delivering top-tier service to guests. 

Ready to make your operations easy?

Sarah Johnson